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VOLA Australien

VOLA Australien

VOLA launched its first Australian showroom in Melbourne November 2017

The new showroom was designed by Torben Madsen – Head of Design at Link Arkitektur – and is located in a refurbished factory building in Collingwood.
The 100m2 space has been designed as an immersive retail experience that captures the VOLA brand values and design DNA, while also celebrating the heritage of the building that houses it. 

In line with the wishes of the heritage committee, VOLA chose to retain the old brick wall and exposed ceiling to showcase its rough textures and industrial features, in a striking contrast to the refined VOLA products on display.

The signature VOLA showroom features in the new Melbourne space include:
Random sized round lamps that reference the strong circular and cylindrical shapes in VOLA designs
Working displays where customers can see products in multiple finishes and adjust water flows
White Corian furniture
Polished concrete floors


By appointment only

VOLA Showroom
94 Wellington Street
Collingwood, VIC 3066
Tel.: +61 3 9070 4988

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