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Filmography by Jack Flynn & Nick David for VOLA


VOLA is proud home to generations of experience in craft, design and architecture. The people behind the products - the machinists, craftspeople and designers - are the heart of VOLA.

Here, traditional craftsmanship and contemporary innovations intersect. The VOLA family includes all ages and generations who share a sense of togetherness and an understanding of what it means to be Danish, now and in the future. They also share a commitment to excellence in craftsmanship and detail.

Next to the factory is the VOLA Academy, where experts with years of experience share knowledge and ideas. People from all over the world come here to study the VOLA way, right at the heart of the VOLA family. The VOLA Academy also hosts a highly regarded apprenticeship programme, ensuring that knowledge and skills are passed on to the younger generation. With the influx of new talent, methods and ideas are constantly challenged and developed to discover smarter manufacturing methods using the latest technology.

The KV1 one handle mixer with double swivel spout, perhaps the most emblematic product made by the VOLA team, embodies these qualities of precision, materials and methods – a beautiful, functional product that belongs in the kitchen environment, at the heart of the home.

In their anniversary year, the VOLA family will be celebrating together and looking forward to many more years of excellence and innovation – and enjoyment.

Følg VOLA på Instagram og se mere inspirerende nyt om design og arkitektur. @vola.denmark - Posts fra Instagram
Dansk designarv VOLA oplevelsen Et løfte om lang levetid

Når du vælger VOLA, får du ikke kun et produkt, hvor design og kvalitet holder i generationer. Du bliver også en del af den danske designhistorie med danske designikoner produceret i den bedste danske håndværkstradition

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